Analysis Of What's In Your Big Mac Lab

Words: 506
Pages: 3

n the “What's in Your Big Mac?” Lab (Calland) the main idea was to test the parts of a Big Mac with reactants to test for lipids, starches, proteins and sugars. To test for sugar, Benedict's solution was used. Lugol’s solution was used to test for starch. To test for lipids, Sudan IV was used. Biuret reagent was used to test for proteins.
The special sauce, lettuce, cheese, and the pickle tested positive for sugar. This makes sense for the lettuce and the pickle, since they are plants, and sugar is essentially glucose which is important in plants. This also makes sense for the special sauce, because it has vegetables in it while also probably having sugars added to it. The cheese, while not a plant, also has natural sugars in it since it is