Analysis: Should Children Have Technology Restrictions?

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Pages: 4

Should Children have Technology Restrictions? Children should not have full access to technology. Technology has advanced so much even since when I was a child. There are many positive sides to allowing children to use it whenever. However, I believe that all children should have restrictions on all type of technology because it has negative effects on not only their social development but also their brain development. When a child stares at a tablet, computer or even a TV it slows down their development. In 2013, The Millennium Cohort Study, a long-term study group in Britain, did a study on 19,000 children born in 2000 and 2001 ( and found that those who watched three hours or more of movies, television and video games per day are more likely to conduct problems, emotional symptoms …show more content…
Absolutely not. Albert Einstein once said, “I’m enough of an artist to draw freely on my imagination, which I think is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”. There isn’t a lot in life that is unlimited. Children are constantly learning about events in the past and people that they will never meet. Imagination gives them the chances to explore the world and collect experiences. Imagination is also important for the learning process and brain development. My final reason is children not understanding how to sooth their busy brains. Pediatrician David Hill wrote an Article on the negative effects TV has a children 18 months and younger. It says “Evidence suggests that screen viewing before age 18 months has lasting negative effects on children’s language development, reading skills and short term memory. It also contributes to problems with sleep and attention.”. Children’s brains are not used to the fast pace intensity of Television or movies. Once the movie or episode ends children have a hard time relaxing or