Donald J. Trump, our new president, brought this to our attention by arguing that as a nation, we must to attend to the dangers of Islamic terrorism and problems of illegal immigration. As a solution to these problems, Trump proposed the strengthening of the borders to increase the safety of United States citizens. Poland is a great example where having strong borders would have made a big difference before WWII started. If Poland were in a position to defend its borders against Germany’s invasion, WWII would have probably been halted or, possibly, avoided. Obviously, this precautionary measure was not viable due to the strength Germany was accumulating. However, time and time again, history has shown that once the people intending to prosecute and endanger human lives gain power, they look to expand their efforts beyond their own borders. This is due to the fact that land has, for hundreds of years, been of great value and dictators constantly want more power. For this reason, governments should protect and strengthen its borders, simply to keep out unwanted