Analyze The Changes In America From 1865 To 1900

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Pages: 4

The change of America in 1865-1900. United States in 1865 had major conflict throughout its era. The year 1865, was when the Civil War had ended, the death of Abraham Lincoln, and the election of Andrew Johnson. On January 31, 1965 has finally allowed the United States to approve the Thirteenth Amendment which affected the slaves. The U.S congress has accepted the thirteenth amendment which allows the United states to abolish slavery. After passing the amendment President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on april 1865. Abraham Lincoln was killed by an actor and a confederate supporter, John Booth. Grieving the absence of Abraham Lincoln the White House had to reelect a new president, who was the vice president Andrew Johnson.
Freedom has finally
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In 1866, Congress passed the Freedmen's Bureau bill, providing necessities for former slaves and protection of their rights in court. They then passed the Civil Rights Act, defining "all persons born in the United States and not subject to any foreign power, excluding Indians not taxed," as citizens. Johnson vetoed these two measures because he felt that Southern states were not represented in Congress and believed that setting suffrage policy was the responsibility of the states, not the federal government. Both vetoes were denied by 1867 the Congress created Military Reconstruction in the former Confederate States to reinforce political and social right for the Southern blacks. In 1868 Andrew Johnson Violated the Tenure of Office Act. Violating the act has cause his impeachment crisis. By 1869, Ulysses S. Grant was inauguration where Andrew Johnson did not attend to the inauguration . While the eighteenth president takes over control, Wyoming Gives Women The Vote, which means women are now able to vote. Fifteenth amendment has been approved 1870. In 1871 the Third Force Act also known as the "Ku Klux Act" Passed. Yellowstone National Park Protection Act of