Analyzing Colin Kaepernick's Letter From Birmingham Jail '

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Pages: 3

I am writing you this letter to show supportand and agree with what Colin Kaepernick has said. One reason that Colin is right is that black people lives do matter and he shouldn’t have to support the flag when black people are being treated disrespectfully. Another reason is that you Trump are abusing your power on social media.
Black lives matter is a rally movement against police violence towards black people. Police have shot and killed innocent black people over the last year. “Getting paid leave for killing people to me, this something that has to change and when there is a significant change and I feel like the flag represents what it is supposed to represent and this country is representing people the way it’s supposed to, then I’ll stand,” Colin Kaepernick says during an interview. This shows that Colin is gonna keep kneeling and protesting until he feels like there is a change to the way black people are being treated. In the letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King talks about how brutally black people have been treated unfair in courts. “Negroes have experienced grossly unjust treatments in the courts. There has
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He has angered many in the NFL by calling for team owners to fire any ¨son of bitch who disrespects the flag.” This quote is showing that Trump is just getting more and more people mad and joining the protest. Instead of tweeting that he could've just said something nicer and he could work on bigger things to make America more safe for everyone. In Birmingham there was a white guy that would give speeches to the white people on why they shouldn’t like black people. Eventually black people had enough and wanted change so they took action so the world could see what was going on in Birmingham. “Justice too long delayed is justice denied.” This is saying that just waiting for it to go away is pretty much not happening so they had to do a direct