Analyzing Enstad's Phenomenon Of Global Warming

Words: 762
Pages: 4

Global warming is described as the increase in temperature due to the carbon dioxide produced by the burning of fossil fuels released into the atmosphere. Global warming is a world phenomenon, that affects all people and Scranton writes from the global perspective in his essay, and why it will lead to the end. Scranton speaks to all in his essay, while Enstad presents her argument of these toxins harming the human body, to environmental scholars. The majority of writers manipulate their pronouns, and language to connect their audience, using collective pronouns to group the reader and the writer together, the writers additionally utilize their level of language to cater to various audiences. In Scranton’s essay, he speaks of global warming and how it will soon cause the world to come to an end, no matter what people may try to do to save it. He applies his own personal experiences in his writing to help reach his point across. Speaking of his personal …show more content…
“In choosing the essay format for my ideas, I have necessarily opted against the comprehensive literature review format; however, notes do point to excellent sources that might provide a starting point for further reading in the interdisciplinary study of toxicity.” (Enstad 57), This quote from Enstad’s essay displays not only her use of the pronoun “I” as depicting a person of higher level education, or higher intelligence than the average everyday person, but her choice of language also shows her intelligence. There are various different examples throughout the text such as “analytical polarization”, and “globalization’s contingent manifestations” that show the level of intelligence of the people Enstand is preaching to. There are phrases all throughout the essay that would never show up in an average person’s vocabulary. This only speaks to the fact that Enstad is speaking to people of her study, American studies