Analyzing George Clooney's Suburbicon

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Pages: 2

I’m sure that George Clooney thought he was making a politically righteous statement by making a racially charged black comedy (no pun intended) about black families moving into white neighborhoods that he could use as an avenue to attack President Trump. However, what he actually did was make a condescending cringefest that drew ire among liberals and conservatives alike…Way to bring people together George. Suburbicon is basically what left-wing elitists like everyone starring in this movie think of everyday Americans who didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton. Set that film in the 1950s and you have an excuse to shoehorn in racist elements while the audience tries to figure out who they should be rooting for and why they are even watching this movie …show more content…
Clooney who wrote produced and directed this hilarious backfire decided to change much of the story in his words. “The genesis of the screenplay came when I was watching a lot of Trump speeches on the campaign trail about building fences and scapegoating minorities”. Clooney added, “Its fun to lift up that curtain and look underneath that thin veneer and see some of the real problems that this country has yet to completely come to terms with.” So this film is essentially the final product in Clooney’s journey to wokeness, the problem is no one wants to go in the direction Clooney was shooting for. Obviously, Conservatives will take issue with this film given the political stance of the actors and directors of this project but even liberals took exception to this for Clooney failing to give light to the real-life story of a black family in a white neighborhood during the 50s and instead deciding to focus on Matt Damon who in this film is in the running for Top 5 worst protagonist of the year. The narrative of Suburbicon is all over the place because it only uses the black family in the film as props and not real characters that can contribute positively to the