Analyzing Tupac's 'Tupac Shakur'

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Pages: 1

Tupac Shakur was born in June 16 and died September 13, 1996 in a shooting. He was born in East Harlem, New York city and grew up in California. Some interesting facts that he was an actor some of the movies that he played in is Juice and Above The Rim those are some of the movies he played in he played in 8 movies. This poem was published in 1991 the poem I have pick have 12 stanzas. Tupac Shakur uses rhyme but not so often, but when he did he used rhyme scheme. In the event of my demise, he desmise he only use a few words as repetition. Tupac uses metaphors as his figurative in the poem about the event of my demise Because I feel the shadow’s depth so much I wanted to accomplish before I reached my death. What he is saying is that he