Anatomy And Physiology Of Supination Essay

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Pages: 8

Anatomy and Physiology of Supination
Turning of the palms in the anterior or superior direction i.e. in the face-up position is called supination. When the arms stretched out to the sides of the trunk and palms directing forward in the anatomical position, the arms are now in the supinated position. Supination mainly occurs at radio-ulnar joint; a joint that is formed between the bones of radius and ulna.
By pulling on the radius the biceps brachii supinate the lower arm. Bicep brachii moves the distal end of the radius back to its position on the lateral side of the wrist. Full supination moves the hand, wrist, and lower arm right around 180 degrees so that the palm confronts anteriorly or superiorly, contingent upon the position of the arm.
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The individual encountering this disorder feels a feeling of squeezing or impingement subsequently the name tendon impingement disorder.
The individual should take these precautionary steps:
 Major shoulder muscles strengthening
 Serratus anterior muscle group strengthening
 Strengthen rotator cuff muscles
 consume large numbers of green vegetables and foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids
 Spend no less than 5 minutes, ideally 10 minutes, doing light stretches and activities that will warm up the tissues in shoulder region before performing any activity.

Bicep Sprain
Muscle strain refers to damage either to a muscle or its tendons. Damage to the muscle can be in the form of tearing partially or all of the muscle fibers along with the tendons attached to the muscle.
Take these precautionary steps to avoid muscle sprain:
 Begin exercise plan in consultation with doctor
 Stretch before and after exercise.
 Establish a warm-up routine before strenuous activity

Tension Exercises

Band Biceps