1. Name each phase of a typical muscle twitch, and, on the following line, describe what is happening in each phase.
a. The latent period this is when the muscle is right before the next period a resting period almost
b. Contraction period this is when the muscle fibers shorten
c. relaxation period this is when the muscle is going back to its original state
2. In Activity 2, how long was the latent period? ___20_______ msec
Describe the chemical changes that are occurring during this period.
Ach binds to sarcolema, t tubules depolarize, and tropomyosin allows cross bridge formation
The Graded Muscle Response to Increased Stimulus Intensity
3. From Activity 3, describe the effect of increasing the voltage. What happened to the force generated and why did this change occur?
The force is greater and there is a higher contraction force because of the higher voltage
4. How does this change occur in vivo?
The more contraction required the more Ca+2 is needed
5. In Activity 4, you looked at the effect of stimulating the muscle multiple times in a short period with complete relaxation between the stimuli.
Describe the force of contraction with each subsequent stimulus.
The force is higher with each stimulus.
6. Describe the chemical changes that are thought to correlate to this change in vivo.
Ca+2 in the sacrcoplasm is needed to help with the cross bridge attachments
7. In Activity 5, what was the effect of increasing the frequency of stimulation?
The increased stimulant resulted in the increase tension on the muscle
8. Compare and contrast wave summation with recruitment (multiple motor unit summation). How are they similar? How was each achieved in the simulation?
Motor involves sending in all directions at once and creating on quick movement. Multiple motor involves waves of electricity that cause increase strength and length of the contraction. The similarities are they both increasing contractile force. It is achieved by the amount of force put on.
9. Explain how wave summation and recruitment are achieved