Andrew Reilly Body

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In chapter four the author Andrew Reilly talks about the body, and the framework for viewing the body in addition to critically analyze media and body image (Miller-Spillman, Reilly, & Hunt-Hurst, 2012). When discussing dress and fashion the body in which the clothing is being put on is very important. Not every dress fit every body shape or size, which makes the body a very important topic to study when discussing dress. Furthermore, dress does not only include the clothes you wear, but also the accessories you include in the dress the tattoos you wear, to even the shoes you have on your feet (Miller-Spillman, Reilly, & Hunt-Hurst, 2012). Everything contribute to dress and an individual’s style of dressing. The frameworks for viewing the …show more content…
In the chapter an author named Guy Trebay wrote an article on Even More Visible Ink. In this article the author talks about, tattoos and how they come in play in dress. As we already know the skin can be transformed by tattoos (modification), which alters the color (property) and surface design (property) (Miller-Spillman, Reilly, & Hunt-Hurst, 2012). In the article it talks about how years ago tattoos where associated with only gang members, prison inmates, members of a mob and even rap artists like lil Wayne and Tupac. This is when cultural factors came in where people saw tattoos as a no-go- zone (Miller-Spillman, Reilly, & Hunt-Hurst, 2012). Today is a different story, today we see all kinds of people getting tattoos as a form of art and using their bodies to display these artworks they have created. When an individual gets a tattoo there is many negative factors that it comes with. For instance the fact that it can never come off so whatever you might get tattooed on your skin should have value to you or you may regret it in the future and the most important negative factor is the factor it may play when thinking about job opportunities . Some places around the world don’t care about tattoos but focus more on the quality of your ability, while other see it as a distraction. I do not have any tattoos