Angelo N. Ancheta

Words: 592
Pages: 3

Thinking about it now, the Asian immigrants in the early 1900s had so much weighing against them that it must have been near impossible to keep going. But regardless, history today dictates that the Asian American race never stopped fighting even when all odds were in the oppositions favor. One writer who is highly discussed in all forms of Asian American Studies classroom lectures, Angelo N. Ancheta in his book states “Law incorporates nativism in two ways. First, federal immigration laws prevent the entry of 'undesirable' imigrants...Second, federal and state anti-immigrant laws subordinate immigrants already living in the United States.”1 And to me, his definition is on point in every way possible because looking at the past of what has …show more content…
And when you look at the number of decisions the government has made solely based off of the color of ones skin it is almost heartbreaking to say your a citizen of this country. Holding someone out of a country when they are dire need of a help because of there skin color or the way they look is not justful nor is it fair for a nation that claims to be free. Had the US government never called for the help of the immigrant laborers or reached out to countries expressing that the US is the 'Land of the Free', they wouldn’t come off as the bad guy. Ancheta goes on to defend his statement that “The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the creation of the 'Asiatic barred zone' in 1917 and the Immigration Act of 1924...reflect waves of nativist sentiment.”2 Here he describes what he meant by keeping out 'undesirable' immigrants and uses prime examples of the past to do so. To me this shows so much because no matter how much the US wants to deny it, or prevent these historical events from being thought in the classrooms there is no way of erasing history. It was these unconstitutional laws that the government passed that lives to haunt them to this day and will never be