Angola Eating Habit

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Pages: 3

In this project I intended to illustrate some major issues many international student face when they arrive in the United States of America. I personally want to share barriers I faced as well as the accomplishments. Even though I have been living in Houston for almost three years, I still miss home. Somedays, the feeling of give up on everything and go back home is harder others. However, the need to obtain my undergraduate degree and make my family proud, makes me calm down and proceed pursuing my dream. We tried to divide the project into different main parts, which are, adaption to the new culture, heating habits, and the language barrier. Adaption/Cultural aspects: The adaption to a new culture can be one of the …show more content…
While here In the United States of America is more flexible on this aspect. For instance, here in U.S students in college allowed to have a multidisciplinary background, experimenting various subjects before choosing the definitive undergraduate major. In the beginning I could not understand why I had to take many classes that I thought had nothing to do with my engineering major. However, now I learned why and actually I like this educational system. Eating Habit: I personally did not have many issues related to area, but I student from Angola who assure that this was one of the most hard are to adapt. Students who usually do not know how to cool our Angolan food face difficulties. Angolan cuisine is pretty similar to Latin cuisine. Throughout these almost three years, I realized that many American people prefer to consume a microwave food, …show more content…
Despite the time I have already spent communication still bothers me. I understand that it is impossible to know all the expressions, colloquial phrases and slang I will hear . But this is one of the fun parts of studying abroad: learning new things! Usually, if I say something wrong, the people around me will correct me politely - especially if you give freedom. These misunderstandings will be funny stories that you will remember forever.

For us international students FaceTime, Skype, Facebook and other social networks help keep the daily contact with our family back home. Social media became a very important instrument for us and we have to make sure that it is always working, otherwise our family can be worried thinking that something might have happened to us. Personal Growth: One of the most important thing I will always remember and be proud of, it is the fact that U.S shaped me into a whole new person. I believe that the is no way, an international student cannot grow through their staying here. I have learned to be more responsible, stop trying to find guilty for my blames, follow the deadline. Staying away from my family, from my comfort zone made me learn to think out of the box. Due to experience here, I am a more active student, knowledgeable, who knows how to