The use of signs can vary in the way it is conveyed. "A sign is anything that announces the existence of or the imminence of some event, the presence of the thing or person, or change in the state affairs" (Langer, 105). Animals have produced unintentional signs for humans to be able to understand them. This can be seen when a dog barks at the door for its human companion to let it outside. "Animals also communicate with each other if over habit them to call each other and cooling of the doves and the growing of the wolf means the animal will kill or even on the prowl to kill" (Langer). Humans use signs just as much as animals do however, humans use signs that are more complex. Which is made apparent when a person hears a door bell, what comes to mind automatically is someone is at the entrance wanting to come …show more content…
Communication for animals and humans are signals. Signals are sounds or gestures that have a meaning to those using them. An example is a bird which symbolizes being free, however a black bird is symbolized as a death or even worse. When looking up at the sky and seeing a flock of birds moving together fast towards the same direction it can mean where they were previously had frighten them, and now they must move from there. At times it can mean a storm is coming and they must protect one another so they move away at once not knowing they’re warning us as