1)Conduct a brief survey of newspapers or business journals reviewing the company ' Body shop' , and identify their codes of practice or ethical stance on business issues.
Przeprowadź krótki badania gazet lub czasopism biznesowych w celu przeglądu przedsiębiorstwa "Body Shop", i określenia ich kodeksy postępowania lub etycznej postawy w kwestiach biznesowych.
2) identify what could be a typical organisation's goals and objectives
określić, jaki organizacja moze miec typowe cele i dazenia .
By 2004, the Body Shop had 1980 stores, serving over 77 million customers throughout the world. It was voted the second most trusted brand in the United Kingdom, and 28th top brand in the world.
On 17 March 2006, L'Oréal purchased Body Shop for £652 million.[14] This caused controversy, because L'Oréal is involved in animal testing and because the company is part-owned by Nestlé, which has been criticised for its treatment of third world producers. Anita Roddick addressed it directly in an interview with The Guardian, which reported that "she sees herself as a kind of 'Trojan horse' who by selling her business to a huge firm will be able to influence the decisions it makes. Suppliers who had formerly worked with the Body Shop will in future have contracts with L'Oréal, and whilst working with the company 25 days a year Roddick was able to have an input into decisions."[15]
Jon Entine notes that Roddick copied the name, concept and original brochures from the original The Body Shop, which was started in San Francisco and had three stores when Roddick visited the Bay area in the early 1970s. Roddick's original brochures were word-for-word copies of the San Francisco-based Body Shop. When Roddick decided to expand her multinational corporation into the United States, she bought the rights to the Body Shop name from the original shop owners in exchange for a confidentiality agreement. The original Body Shop renamed itself Body Time, and is still flourishing. Entine also notes The Body Shop did not make charitable donations for its first 11 years of existence, despite Roddick's statements to the contrary.[18]
The Body Shop opened in Brighton in March 1976. The company entered the stock exchange in 1984. The first sponsorship, which was made possible by the wealth generated by the IPO, was for Greenpeace posters in 1985. The IP for "The Body Shop" in the USA was purchased for $3.5 million sometime later.[11]
What are the business aims and objectives of The Body Shop?
The Body Shop has branches all over the UK and many other countries too. They have a wide range of different body products that are sold in their stores. They consider testing products or ingredients on animals to be morally and scientifically indefensible. Therefore they sell products that are not tested on animals. They support small producer communities around the world who supply them with accessories and natural ingredients, and so believe in community fair trade. They believe that it is a responsibility of every individual to actively support those who have human rights denied to them as they also defend human rights in every way they can. They believe that a business has the responsibility to protect the environment in which it operate, locally and globally, as they carry out protect our planet campaigns. Their businesses help charities including Children on the Edge, Women Kind, and WWF. The Body Shop has 6 main objectives.
Goals and objectives
Quick revise
Our reason for being
To dedicate our business to the pursuit of social and environmental change.
To creatively balance the financial and