Aniz Inc Case Study

Words: 1369
Pages: 6

Aniz Inc. support services is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting safe sex education throughout the community by providing free screenings for HIV/AID’s, packaging and distributing safe sex packages with both male and female condoms, lubricants, and different instructions on how to properly use them. However, their main objective is to provide access to education needed in poverty stricken areas in order to help keep STD’s to an absolute low all while keeping the identity of their clients completely confidential. Our job with Aniz was to help the volunteers package the safe sex kits to be distributed throughout the community for regular distribution and for the AIDs run hosted every year. Each kit includes 6 male condoms, two magnum condoms, one female condom, three packets of lubricant, and three types of instructions on how to utilize everything in the package correctly. These kits are totally free and anyone can come up and ask for one no questions asked along with all their other services provided everything’s kept confidential. They know the shadow people living with HIV/AID’s face and as an organization they’re here to listen and help their patient figure out what their best route of care is. They achieve …show more content…
That along with her experiences she faced at Clark Atlanta University when she was a graduate student at the School of Social Work. As an intern at Outreach a community based organization located in Southwest Atlanta she discovered kids that came with their parents to get the necessary treatment for HIV/AID’s were just pushed into a corner, given a coloring book, and weren’t told anything just left to cope and deal with what was being thrown at them. Along with their relentless drive and advocacy Aniz gained their incorporation status along with gaining professionals dedicated to this type of work to help grow and promote their