Patricia Manning
He, Q., & Chen, C. (2014). The empirical study on influence mechanism of positive, negative leadership behavior on team innovation performance-based on the contingency model of group emotional atmosphere. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6, 2647-2653. Retrieved from The researchers described the impact of positive and negative leadership on a team’s innovation activities. Using the heuristic model of measuring a team’s effectiveness, the authors attempted to determine how sincere leadership and ineffective supervision affected the team’s innovation activities. He and Chen considered four variables as essential to influencing team innovation. The results of the study were inconclusive in determining how or if sincere leadership or ineffective supervision affected a team’s willingness to participate in innovation activities. The researchers concluded that a team’s emotional atmosphere must take into consideration in determining how to maximize team innovation efforts and activities. Qiao-yun He is a Research Manager at Actavis PLC in the Greater New York City area. She leads the development team for new drug development of ANDA projects. Chun-hua Chen is a Supplier Quality Manager at Infineon Technologies (WuXi) Company. Ltd. The results of the study were very hard for me to follow and understand. The researchers had completed a lot of work over an extended period before the authors were able to comprehend the limitations of the study conducted. The study would have been more useful if the researchers reviewed the incremental results and made adjustments to the factors being reviewed to ensure a measurable outcome. The authors’ work lends itself to more research in this area of innovation and what variable(s) can be adjusted to allow interaction of teams to innovation. However, the results of this study did not provide meaningful information to use for the purpose of determining how sincere leadership and ineffective supervision affected the team’s innovation activities.
Zhou, J., Ma, Y., Cheng, W., & Zia, B. (2014). Mediating role of employee emotions in the relationship between authentic leadership and employee innovation. Social Behavior and Analysis, 42(8), 1267-1278. doi:10.2224/sbp.2014.42.8.1267 The researchers explored the relationship between authentic leadership and employee innovation. They examined the definition of authentic leadership and how it positively or negatively affects employee’s innovation. The researchers used hierarchical linear modeling to analyze the research data in determining how the employee’s view of sincere leadership affected an employee’s creative desire. The authors concluded that the way employees perceived leadership affected the way they regarded innovation. The researchers revealed a positive relationship between authentic leadership and innovation. The study disclosed cross-level effects of genuine leadership. Juanmei Zhou was a researcher at Central South University and the North University of China while the other researchers worked only at Central South University. The researchers mainly focused on employees in the manufacturing industry, which resulted in limitations of the results being applied to other sectors. The authors concluded that employees, who perceive their leaders as genuine, were more willing to take risks and participate in innovation activities. This study was very interesting and very well supported by the data shared by the researchers. The model used is very conclusive on the effects in the manufacturing industry; however, to increase its usefulness across various sectors, the researchers should expand the study to include employees from additional sectors. Though the study was very useful, organized and easily understood, the expansion of the survey to include representatives from various industries would help identify ways to foster an