Annotative Bibliography

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Assignment #1: Annotative Bibliography

Emile, M, A Chalabaev, Y Stephan, K Corrion, and F d'Arripe-Longueville. "Aging Stereotypes and Active Lifestyle: Personal Correlates of Stereotype Internalization and Relationships with Level of Physical Activity Among Older Adults." Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15.2 (2014): 198-204
The researchers of this study wanted to better understand the personal correlation (openness to experience and implicit theories of ability) and relationships with internalization of aging stereotypes in the relation to physical activity. For their methods, researchers gathered together one hundred and ninety-two older adult participants whose ages ranged from 60-90 years of age. The participants completed a series of
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Within this study, there were five networks (NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX and WB) that were videotaped five days a week, repeatedly between 8am and 11pm each day. The study took place in Sacramento, California. For this study, researchers only analyzed advertisements for products and services. During the study, the researchers defined an older person aged 55 or older as they appeared in the advertisements. Results of the study showed 15% of older adults appearing on the advertisements taped within those five days. Other factors of this study included, gender, ethnicity, and status of the older adult actors. In relation to ethnicity, majority of the advertisements were Caucasian, although African Americans and other ethnicities were studied as well. In relations to gender, men were advertised more than older women. The content of the advertisements featured ads for food products (24%), medications/services (16%), health and beauty (11%) and cars/vehicles at (11%). Overall, the study showed that advertisements overrepresented older adult male Caucasians, underrepresented the older adult female, and provided a skewed perspective in the characterization of older adults. This article will help me with my future research paper because media is a large part of our society. In studying the interests of older adults and stereotypes, television ads are an important tool to view certain stereotypes of the older