Submitted By beatsvillain
Words: 375
Pages: 2

olfactory bubble - personal space
“Race,” biology & culture species - (also subspecies) discrete biological organisms that can reproduce -> the offspring are (also) fertile

Taxonomic-> (classification) “homosapiens” [the process or system of describing the way in which different living things are related by putting them in groups]
Variation -> (human variation) “people aren’t the same.” its a continuum-- continuous change rather than abrupt difference.
(having to do with the 1800s- late 1800s)
Junk science - A. Priori reasoning - meaning, in advance. “a bias of what their science is going to be.”
Scientific racism.
Monogenists (genesis, origin)
-all humans come from a single ancestor/origin
-some “races” degenerated while others didn’t. others OF superiority -> “white” PEOPLE polygenists -Multiple origins/ ancestors
- explains human differences; explains “race”

first example of hominids (homoerectus)
-1.5 MYA - some that left africa and went to the furthest reaches of the world… reproduced and interbred.

Measurement: (experiment)
Paul Broca (frenchman in the 1860s)
-did work/study on the brain (looking for aspects of it.)
-Broca was looking for size.

“Brain -- size”
...a-priori approach, white people had larger brains than others because they are “smarter”

-Brain-size-ASIAN (smarter because they had larger brains)
-Foramen Magnum

Robert Bean (1906)
-corpus callosum
(robust - white people)

Franklin Mall (1909)
-BLIND - not knowing the race of the sample/select study group

Why human variation does not constitute “race”
1. human variation is fluid. (the fluidity of change and difference in humans.)
-It is a continuum. (a