Anti Stroke Essay

Words: 1334
Pages: 6

Introduction For my preventable disease choice I chose stroke, also known as CVA or cerebrovascular accident. There is also a mini-stroke, also known as transient ischemic attack (TIA). A stroke is damage to the brain because a loss of blood supply has reached the brain (What is stroke? 1). My career choice that goes along with this is Physical Therapy. With a stroke involved, Physical Therapist help with the patient’s movement and balance. They also suggest exercises for the patient to do to help with standing, walking, etc. (Rehabilitation therapy after a stroke 1).
Stroke is caused by damage to the brain (What is stroke? 1). People who have a stroke usually have a heart or blood vessel disease that causes the damage. Some diseases or disorders that can lead to a stroke are: hypertension, atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia, heart disease, and
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For instance, having a first stroke is twice as high for African Americans than Caucasians, and African Americans are more likely to die after a stroke. (Stroke Facts 1). Research says that African Americans may carry a gene that makes them more susceptible to high blood pressure, which leads to stroke. They are also more likely to deal with obesity and diabetes. (African Americans and Stroke 1). Also, about 40 percent of males die from a stroke, while 60 percent of females die from a stroke. (Impact of Stroke 1). Women who take birth control pills, use hormone replacement therapy, and suffer from migraines are more likely to have a stroke. (Women and Stroke 1). With the consideration of age, the second leading cause of death in people 60 or older is stroke, while the fifth leading cause of death with stroke is for people 15-59 years old. (Stroke-World Heart Federation 1). In conclusion, African Americans, senior citizens, and women are more likely to suffer from stroke and there are things that lead them to