Antigone Argumentative Essay

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Pages: 3

Argumentative Essay Often times in society people are faced with decisions which society believes is right but can be objected by others, whether that be opinion based or due to limitations of some sort or regulations. Others views of limitational ideas should not have an effect on someones end factor. In order to prevent such a thing, is when you must take a stand against it. No matter what the matter may be you should always take a stand against something when one does not agree with it. Even when restrictions and others opinions say otherwise.
If its deduced from an observation doesnt mean its correct or morally right. This can however be interpreted in many different ways. Antigone “No man may bury or make lament, must leave him tombless and unwept, a feast for kites to scent afar and swoop upon.” A man named creon is forbidding the proper burial for Antigone's brother which disagrees with greatly.
“What right has he to keep me from my own?” Antigone then goes to essentially saying she doesn't need to listen to creon because he has no control
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Second virginia convention “We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts” This thoroughly explains that if you ignore the problem that it's only gonna get worse until you are forced to face it. Which is why you should take the stand the moment it becomes a problem to prevent it from becoming bigger. Second virginia convention “Ask yourself how this gracious reception of our petition comports with theses war-like preparations which cover our waters and darken our land.” This is the effects of ignoring the problem, it has become bigger and harder to resolve but they have to other option. It never hurts to speak up about something when there's a clear problem. However there are regrets of not taking a