AP Art History Late Antiquity And The Periods After Essay

Submitted By jalynriley
Words: 2252
Pages: 10

Jalyn Nwogu
AP Art History
8 October 2014

Late Antiquity

Late Antiquity Roman Empire ”melting pot”
Christians, Pagans, Jews

Jewish Religion
­ Characterized by spirituality, spiritualism, and faith
­ Monotheistic (Yahweh)
­ Patriarchs­ Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
­ Prophets­ mouthpieces of God
­ Hebrew Scriptures: The Law, The Prophets, and The Writings
­ Belief that Jews were the “chosen people”
Synagogue at dura­europos
245­256 CE
­ artifacts from Christians, Pagans, Jews
­ Christians still being persecuted during this time
­ Pagan ( only religion accepted)
­ Before Constantine

Dead Sea Scrolls
1st century BCE­ 1st century CE

Menorah and the ark of the covenant, Jewish catacomb
3rd Century CE
­ Jews carried the ark of the covenant

Early Christian Religion

Greco­roman influence (Constantine), Jewish influence (shared Old Testament)
Evangelism (led to quick spread of religion)
Constantine I instituted tolerance in 313 CE after a long period of Roman persecution
At first iconoclastic (idols, against idols) because of belief that figural representation was akin to idol worship

Jesus the Good Shepherd
3rd Century CE
­ at first would make jesus look like an innocent child then transitioned to a more an adult­like royal idol
­ greek influence

Jesus the Good Shepherd (catacomb fresco)
Early 4th century CE
­ fresco: put wet plaster and paint with egg yolk tempura while the plaster is still wet
­ mix of Old Testament and New Testament
­ Christian adaptation
­ Jesus portrayed as strong; roman portray

Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus
359 CE
­ converted to Christianity on death bed
­ was mayor of the town
­ Christian imagery
­ Pagan influence
­ Jewish imagery
­ Jesus sitting on the throne with his feet on the head of the sky god
­ marble
­ member of a senatorial family, died at 42
­ sarcophagus portrays his transformed status of Christianity

Construction of Old St Peter’s, basilica
320 CE
­ during Constantine era
­ apse: half circular area where the minister/pastor would speak
­ 4th­16 century
­ new Old St. Peter’s, Vatican city ( today)
­ built of circus of Nero
­ Reign of Emperor Constantine I
­ Gained great importance
­ sight of St.Peter’s grave
­ 3 thousand to 4 thousand people

Santa Maria Maggiore, Rome
430 CE
­ apse

Santa Constanza, Rome
350 CE
­ Constantine’s daughter (Constina), a mausoleum dedicated to her; also a burial site
­ central plan; a big circles, 2 circles
­ corinthian
­ Dionysus: god of wine; Greek/Roman Mythology influence
­ built under the ruler of Constantine the I
­ mausoleum
­ dedicated to saint constanza
­ walls have mozaic paintings; show the Christ as the Pantocrator

Panel of ivory carving, Judas suicide and Jesus’ crucifixion
420 CE
­ not realistic; crudeish
­ one of the panels of a square casket the stories before display the events leading before the suicide/crucifixion
­ earliest portrayal of jesus’s crucifixion
­ plaque mens “King of the Jews”
­ portrays Jesus as powerful even when killed

Jalyn Nwogu
AP Art History
17 October 2014


Eastern capital established by Constantine
Primary capital of the Byzantine empire
Orthodox Christianity only permitted religion


Divided into First and Second Golden Ages, separated by an era of Iconoclasm

San Vitale, Ravenna
­ The Western Capital moved from Rome to Ravenna, the move was because it was easier to rule
­ Eastern and Western ruled united under one empire under the Justinian rule
­ most important example of Christian­Byzantine architecture
­ Julius Argentarius gave funding to build the church
­ holds many mosaic
­ ***biggest patrons of the art were the churches

Justinian, Ravenna Mosaic, San Vitale
­ not