Ap Human Geography Chapter 11 Essay

Words: 525
Pages: 3

1. Three cities outside of the Soviet sector of Germany that supplied Berlin during the 1948-1949 airlift were Hamburg, Hanover, and Frankfurt. The cities that fall into West Germany is the British and American zone and for Berlin is in the Soviet zone. However, three airports in Berlin where those supplies arrived were Tegel Airport, Gatow Airport, and Tempelhof Airport. The airports were surrounded by the Havel River and the Spree River. The Tegel Airport falls into the French Sector of East Berlin. Gatow Airport falls into the British Sector of West Berlin and Tempelhof Airport falls into the American Sector of West Berlin

2. Of the founding members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in 1949 of the Cold war military alliance, the one that was the Eastern-most in Europe was Norway. The geography shows that these places was surrounded by many bodies of water such as the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. There are other countries that are neutral and involve the Warsaw Pact. The amount of Marshall plan funds that Norway accepted were $236 million Marshall aid recipient. This shows that the Marshall plan have helped assist many countries with the support of the U.S. providing aid. The Marshall Plan dealt with the social issues which helped aid Western Europe economy. Also, the United States and Canada are also part of NATO.

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The year that Turkey and Greece joined NATO was in 1952. Their addition compliment the geography of the alliance because they fall into West Germany and developed military alliances during the Cold war where Turkey had $225 million in Marshall aid recipient and Greece had $707 million aid Marshall aid recipient. It is shown that Greece is provided with more aid benefits. In 1952, Turkey and Greece joins NATO. The Marshall plan helped rebuild the economy of European countries after the devastation of World War II. This program greatly supported the countries where U.S. gave money to