Essay about AP Prompt 1

Submitted By kylepeters99
Words: 541
Pages: 3

Kyle Peters
Period 7
AP World History

While both Egypt and China share other similarities in that they share similar writing and language techniques and relying on agriculture, they differ in different types of rulers. As historical evidence indicates that these two societies had differences, they were very much similar.

When looking at the writing aspect, Egypt and China both correlate their own languages to use for years. After 3200 B.C.E., hieroglyphics were founded in Egypt. Hieroglyphs were inscribed onto papyrus reed. The tall hollow stems of papyrus were flattened, dried, and stuck together to make pages. Egyptians wrote with these reeds using ink made from colored minerals mixed with powder. Other than using papyrus reed, hieroglyphs were inscribed onto stone tablets. Stone tablets were used for forms of treaties, documents, and teaching. Egyptians would also use walls of temples to inscribe hieroglyphics. Everyday writing in Egypt began 2600-600 B.C.E. The Chinese also had a written language, known as ideographs. Very similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics, ideographs were symbols and pictures used to express an object or motions. The Chinese wrote ideographs on oracle bones for luck, fortune, and healing of pain. They were also known for writing important events and actions on strips of bamboo or pieces of silk. The Chinese would also later write literature books such as the Books of Changes, History, Etiquette, and Rites. There were also song and poetry books such as the Books of Songs, Poetry, and Odes.

As well as writing and languages, Egypt and China also share the need to rely on agriculture for stabilization of their economy. Egypt had the predictable Nile River, which would annually flood causing fertile soil to develop. This soil made it easy for Egyptians to grow wheat and barley. Chinese had a similar agriculture that helped them thrive throughout their ages. The Yellow River provided a loess soil that helped agricultural surplus throughout China. Rice was domesticated around 5000 B.C.E. Rice added significant boost to agricultural surplus. The agricultural surplus added several Neolithic cities and villages in China. Several of the villages were farming villages, where