Ap Statistics Personal Report Sample

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Pages: 3

AP Statistics taught me plenty about boxplots, bar charts and probability density functions. But it was the Kaggle.com, a website that runs machine-learning contests, that showed me the predictive power of statistical analysis. From a project looking at how title predicted survival rates on the Titanic (Misses more likely to survive than Misters) to creating an algorithm to classify emojis of ghouls, ghosts, and goblins, I saw just how widely statistical skills could be applied. That lit up my interest in exploring statistics further and its applications across fields.
I was interested in machine learning and R, and then took a course in the CIS academic program, Chance and Statistics. I used normal and Poisson distributions to assess various practical problems in biology, economics, and physics. I learned how to make optimal decisions and how to calculate the confidence I could have in my conclusions. I also learned how to infer the situation for a whole population based on a sample. I did all I could to establish a solid statistical base, honing my ability to draw logical conclusions from messy numbers.
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Previously I had watched others build math models. Now it was my turn. Our problem asked us to find the minimum number and locations of warehouses to cover the United States under various constraints - taxes, shipping routes and time - and required us to collect our own data. We built a 0-1 integer program to find the optimal solution, and when this generated our answer, the elegance of the math delighted me; the five pages of raw, complex data led to a result of absolute clarity. Math is a lens, projecting everything in a logical