Ap World History Dbq Barbarians

Words: 495
Pages: 2

Throughout history, there has always been a debate about a group of barbarians. The name of these barbarians was called the Mongols, a fearless group that was responsible for so much suffering and pain and has left a huge mark in history, bigger than anything ever before. I would even go as far to say that the Mongols were more destructive and caused cultural destruction than any other country during the time of the Mongol rule over most of Asha than ever before. I say this for many reasons, during the time of the Mongols' rule they had used many techniques to win with ease but had caused so much pain, death, destruction, and sickness. My first piece of evidence is document 2, Carpinis Army. In said document there seems to be a lot to play in how they shaped their army, and the tactics were harsh and to many were just insane. …show more content…
Not only that, but if one group did not show that they were going head on or ran away, every single person would be put to death, and for that many groups could die if someone wanted to leave, meaning a lot of the soldiers could have been under stress from all of the expectations of them. This shows that the Mongols or rather Gengus Khan didn't really think of them as much as the messenger. My second piece of evidence is document 1, the map. To many its just a regular map of the Mongol Empire and you might think of nothing much. But I think not, the map also shows most of the biggest conquerors in history, and out of all of the conquerors, we can see Genguse Khan right at the top. You might now be thinking, how could someone get that much land? I say from the blood of the people that tried to protect their land from the Mongols. Just a simple map can say a lot about something, then you think. This shows that Genguse had no problem with the deaths of the millions of his men killed. My final piece of evidence is document 4,