Ap World History Unit 2 Study Guide

Words: 769
Pages: 4

Part I: Answer one of the following in as much detail as possible. This should be an essay response.
1. Why didn't powerful countries like China, India, and Japan take a concerted interest in exploring? In your answer consider financial, societal, and geographic factors.
China set out one of the fleet of ships in several missions, they visit such as areas of east Africa, this powerful country was interested in getting new lands. In the other hand, India was not an establish as a whole country until British builds India by joining states together. Japan often participated in invasions of China or Korea, but it does not explore new territory, comparing with other countries, they try to demonstrate a good relation between countries. China definitely did a lot of exploring during the Ming dynasty, but it never participated in the
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Also, they were self-involved, later on, china destroys their ship fleets because they do not see any good reason to used it anymore, but another interesting fact was it was rumors of vast of gold resources in Africa, and Europeans start poking around. Japan in few words was very isolated, got in a quite Sino-centric thinking, for instance, they believe that they are better in all aspect than the rest of the world and they do not need to take advantage or take any ideas from others.
Part II: Answer one of the following in as much detail as possible. This should be an essay response.Part II: Answer one of the following in as much detail as possible. This should be an essay response.
1. An old saying described the social structure of medieval Europe as "those who pray, those who fight, and those who work." What does this saying really mean? Compare this social system and its eventual transformation during the high middle ages to the social structure of other societies during the same