“ This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,” (www.brainyquote.com) Neil armstrong quotes when he takes the first step on the moon. On July16th 1969, Apollo 11 was launched with Neil A. Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin E. Aldrin onboard. If this mission worked they would win the race to space and have the first people on the moon. It was 9:32 am at the Kennedy space station in Florida when the spaceflight took off heading to to the moon.
Before Apollo 11 took off there were many preparations and causes for the mission. The Cold War played a big part in the race to space. After World War II a new war began between the communist Soviet Union and the United States. On May 25th 1961 John F Kennedy announced that they were going to the moon. This was a designed mission to solve a political problem. It was July 16th, 1969, apollo 11 was launched with 530 million people watching and about to make history if everything went smoothly. …show more content…
On July 19th, Apollo 11 landed on the moon. At 10:56 pm Armstrong is ready to take the first step. Then Armstrong says his world famous quote we know today… “ This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” Neil and the rest of the crew spent hours collecting samples of moon dust and other materials. Soon after, Neil places an american flag on the moon's surface and leaves a plaque honoring the apollo 1’s fallen crew. Armstrong and the rest of the crew were the first ones to ever step foot on the