Retail SOA Enabler(RSE) generates WebService providers for both JavaEE and PLSQL applications. The core WebService components that RSE generates are built using JAX-WS, EJB3 for JavaEE 6 complaint application servers. We need an easy way to test these generated WebServices even before the real business implementation behind the WebServices are hooked into them. To solve this testing needs problem, the Service Interface Tester(SIT) tool was developed. The SIT tool has two version one for each technology(JavaEE or PLSQL) that RSE generates/supports. In this document we are describing the JavaEE version of the SIT tool.
How SIT JavaEE App works?
SIT delivers a javaee application called javaee-service-interface-tester.ear. RSE generated JavaEE provider ejb-jar gets merged into the SIT ear(javaee-service-interface-tester.ear) at application assembly time and deployed to Glassfish(JavaEE6) and WebLogic 12c(JavaEE6) application server. After deployment all the WebServices in the RSE ejb-jar gets exposed by the SIT ear. The user can use any WSDL consumer API/Tool to call the WebServices immediately after deployment without any lengthy configuration process.
SOAP-UI works very well to create the Service Consumer(WSDL client) without having to write any code, but application developers can use any API of their choice to call the WSDL based WebService. When the WebService gets called the SIT engine will generate a mock but fully defined response soap xml with dummy data. It generates a hash of the request soap xml and persist the request/response data for future/subsequent use. The user can modify and fine tune their response soap xml by editing the persisted data using the SIT webapp which is also included in the SIT ear(javaee-service-interface-tester.ear). The webapp can be accessed through http://:/javaee-service-interface-tester-web .
Architecture Guidelines/Requirements
← No change to existing products: ← The system cannot change any outputs generated by RSE or Artifact Generator(AG). ← The system must honor RSE's configurations, libraries and requirements. ← Ease of installation and configuration: ← Convention over configuration style of development must be used. ← No database configuration must be required during SIT deployment phase. ← Assuming Glassfish/WebLogic app server is per-installed and ready, SIT JavaEE App preparation/configuration/installation must take less than 5 steps and must be doable in less than 10 minutes.
← Ease of use for the end user: ← The system must not require the user to enter lots of input data to get up and running. All derivable data must be automatically generated by the SIT runtime engine so that the user does not have enter lot of input data. It is lot easier to change complex XML data than to create one from scratch so the normal usage patter will be the SIT engine creates the mock xml with dummy data when it is called the first time, then the user can go and update the data as they want for their test case. ← The system must be very light weight from memory, cpu, disk consumption perceptive. ← Data must be durably persisted so that app server bounce does not delete the user data.
How do I get started?
1 Application assembly phase
1. Download and save javaee-service-interface-tester.ear in a install stage folder, which I will refer here as SIT_JAVAEE_APP_HOME. 2. Download and save RSE generated JavaEE ejb-jar(-service-ejb.jar) in SIT_JAVAEE_APP_HOME. is the application name that hosts the application service. E.g. rms-service-ejb.jar, ooc-service-ejb.jar oms-service-ejb.jar. 3. Merge the two components: 1. jar uvf javaee-service-interface-tester.ear 2. jar uvf javaee-service-interface-tester.ear rms-service-ejb.jar ooc-service-ejb.jar