Appreciative Inquiry In College Essay

Words: 2235
Pages: 9

Graduation Thesis

Applying principles of Appreciative Inquiry while taking into consideration the level of experience on Korean college students to improve technical performance in the 100m sprints

Seoul National University
B.A, Department of Psychology
Joo Kyung Marina Lim (임주경)


An experiment to determine the effectiveness of applications of Appreciative Inquiry on sport was conducted on 48 participants divided into two groups depending on the length of their experience in the sport – ‘experienced’ and ‘novice’ depending on the frequency of their usual exercise regime. From the aforementioned groups of 24 a side, participants were then randomly divided into three conditions; neutral, Appreciative Inquiry and problem solving. Over the course of three weeks, participants were given instructions to sprint 100m with no feedback, feedback based on their strengths (Appreciative Inquiry) and feedback based on their
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This paper proposes the study of Appreciative Inquiry’s core components and singling specific principles so as to better control for emotional and social factors that may otherwise obscure the results. As such, this experiment is based on Appreciative Inquiry’s chief principle of the Discovery Method; which is the notion that improving on a positive attribute exclusively can compensate for other areas of weaknesses and see significant improvements by the end of Appreciative Inquiry facilitation. This compared to more traditional approaches of Problem Solving forms the basis of the experiment set out in this paper, and sets to explore whether Appreciative Inquiry is more or less effective than what it claims to replace as the de facto