“Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Beware Macduff! Beware the Thane of Fife! Dismiss me. Enough.”(4.1.81-82). This is the first apparition that was an armed head which warned Macbeth of Macduff. Macbeth interpreted this as to kill Macduff because of what he might do, but instead eventually killed Macduff’s family. The second apparition of a bloody child let’s Macbeth know that no one born a woman can kill Macbeth, but he still wants to kill Macduff just to be confident nothing happens to him. “Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill Shall come against him”(4.1.105-107). This is the third apparition which proves that later on Great Birnam wood would come to Dunsinane. Birnam wood later comes to Dunsinane during the fight in act 5. Here is when Macbeth is killed by Macduff. The witches say these apparitions to try and make sure Macbeth is confident enough so he doesn't think anyone is out to kill him. Each apparition lead to a death in the play, hence why the witches are held responsible for the deaths in Macbeth.
In the play Macbeth, the witches are the reason why there are so many losses and tragedies. They are so because of what they told Macbeth which set him off, like telling him he would become King, that Duncan’s sons would become king, and the prophecies that ensured Macduff and his own self deaths. The play Macbeth is considered a tragedy because of the fall and fatality of Macbeth, however the witches are the ones who caused each death even if they didn't lay a hand on a single person in the