This religion may appear to be a farce, yet is a religion none-the-less. However, the American government believes that because it seems too fanciful, it does not need to be given the same protections as other religions.
In America, only 15% of people can name freedom of religion as one of the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment (Americans). Because of the general ignorance, people allow the government to establish a vague idea of religion. The First Amendment states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an …show more content…
Lemon believed that the Establishment Clause of the Constitution was violated because it combined church and state by mixing non-secular schools (church) and tax money (state). Based on this case, the Supreme Court devised a “test” to determine if governmental actions violated the First Amendment. The Lemon test is a three-pronged test that requires each statute to have a secular purpose, a primary focus that neither prohibits or encourages religion, and doesn’t allow “excessive government entanglement with religion” (Lemon). This case and test are now applied to all cases where the separation of church and state is