Argumentative Essay: America's Wildlife And Environmental Conservation

Words: 705
Pages: 3

The protection of America’s wildlife and environmental conservation has always been on the forefront as one of my most important issues charged to our national government.
As an avid hiker, kayaker, and rock climber, I personally love enjoying these natural gifts and resources. I revel in the natural beauty that surrounds us in America and strongly wish to see it enjoyed by generations to come. However, our national government has permitted encroachment upon our protected lands and wildlife by permitting corporations to alter and harvest resources in 42 of our national parks. This permissive invasion is orchestrated by our national government withholding the title of “wilderness” to these lands. This allows drilling in national parks for oil and gas. As such, if a national park is not considered to be part of “Wilderness” land, a loophole is created that removes protection from becoming an oil or gas mine. The term “wilderness” is the highest honor our government can bestow an area of nature, but sadly it isn’t granted very often.
I personally witnessed this last summer when I visited the Red River Gorge in Kentucky, which is part of the Daniel Boone National Forrest. As I hiked up a main trail towards the canyons, I found myself surrounded by oil drills. I was disgusted and upset to see oil
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In my opinion, the best solution is to implement more reliance on alternative energy and less dependence on fossil fuels. We need to place significant emphasis on alternative energy sources. In a survey conducted by Gallup, 73% of Americans prefer alternative energy over oil and gas. This number continues to increase year by year, so it is time to put this into affect. There are many options, including solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, etc. By implementing these new energy sources, we will not only help save our national parks, but we also create new jobs in