Some choose to take such risks, others forced by the military. These child soldiers all have a duty - a will to fight to the end, no matter the cost. Youths of America might think it’s not so bad to fight in a war, it’s like playing a game. Just a little blood is all, right? Wrong. And even worse, some of those child soldiers will literally do anything to win, even if it means allegedly killing and murdering.
Extreme religious soldiers, Such as an Islamic youth named Omar Khadr, “threw a grenade that killed US Army Sgt. First Class Christopher Speer and wounded others.” (Prasow, 2010, pg. 1) He was charged for murder and terrorism, tried and proved guilty, and sentenced to 8 years of prison. This occurred July 27, 2002, in Afghanistan during an intense firefight, and Khadr was blamed for siding with Afghanistan, which is unlikely to be true. It was discovered that Khadr was a jihadi extremist, memorizing the ancient texts of the