“ You don’t leave a can of gasoline where a boy with firebug tendencies can lay hands on it,” says Stephen King ( Stephen King pulls school shooting book Rage off shelves…) ( 1:00 ). As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, this reasoning is flawed as people will continue to do what they want because that is how they are. There is really no convincing the masses to stop doing these things by banning books. The majority of the population just do what they want there is no stopping it. Books send people messages so there is no point in censoring books because they will tell people the consequences of their actions. Author Chris Pavone says “ The idea that we can prevent kids from taking drugs or having unsafe sex, or doing anything stupid by banning books… it’s preposterous.” Even the adults can’t stop kids from doing these things, books will only keep them more informed about the consequences of the choices they are going to make. Therefore, we should keep these books as a message to people that this is what will happen if they do any of these wrong