Argumentative Essay: Gun Control And The Brady Bill

Words: 1020
Pages: 5

Gun Control and The Brady Bill Gun control is a hot topic today in the United States. This is more than likely due to the amount of gun violence and deaths that have occurred over the course of many years. However, this issue is not one that is just now arising. In fact, gun control has been something for the government to consider since the second amendment was in place; which is, the right to bear arms. Not unlike every other amendment, there are obviously going to be limitations and restrictions to it. In 1968, congress passed a Gun Control Act following the assassination of John F. Kennedy. This act made it illegal for mentally ill patients, convicted felons, as well as drug users to purchase handguns. In addition to this, it raised the age you had to be in order to purchase a gun to twenty-one, and also made the license requirements more strict.
The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention act, or the Brady Act for short, is an amendment under the Gun Control Act of 1968. It is named after James Brady, a man who was shot and became permanently disabled during an attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan in 1981. Although James Brady did not die after being shot, he passed away thirty-three years later on August 4, 2014. His death was ruled as a
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However, doing so would still make it a little more difficult for criminals and mentally unstable people to buy a gun. So, why not require it? Under the second amendment, as an American citizen, I should be able to buy a gun in order to protect myself if I want one. This does not mean I believe those who may be a danger to society should be able to purchase a gun simply because it says they have the right in the constitution. Ultimately it comes down to whether or not someone is fit to carry a gun. I believe, unfortunately, that many people are