Argumentative Essay: Gun Violence In The United States

Words: 586
Pages: 3

As of February 14 there have been thirty mass shootings in the U.S., which indicates that gun violence is a very serious problem in the United States. Students should be able to feel safe in school, people should not have access to guns that were used in wars and people with mental illness should not have access to guns of any kind. This topic is relevant because many United States citizens are dying or getting seriously injured because of guns. People should not have to live in fear of being shot wherever they go, and children should be able to thrive without fright of being harmed by gun violence. Schools should be a safe place for students to learn and grow, the only thing kids should worry about in school is a pop quiz. However this has changed over time. It’s only natural for children to be anxious about gun violence considering the fact that “more that 187,000 students have been exposed to gun violence.”(the washington post how many students are effected by gun violence) “In addition there have been 464,033 deaths by guns from 1999-2013.” (Pro con gun laws article) Some people might argue that its not the schools responsibility to make sure students feel safe in schools. On the other hand it is the schools responsibility to make sure there students are learning. If kids are worried about …show more content…
“The Second Amendment was written at a time when the most common arms were long rifles that had to be reloaded after every shot.”(pro con) “President of the Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law, stated there is nothing about an individual right to bear arms in the notes about the Second Amendment.”(pro con) Some people might say gun laws have proven ineffective. However when Australia had a mass shooting they changed there gun laws and haven’t had a mass shooting since 1996. In conclusion people owning military grade weapons is dangerous to