Argumentative Essay On Body Camera

Words: 1573
Pages: 7

The bill I chose was Senate bill no. 158 (S.B. 158), Senator West described it as relating to a body worn camera program for certain law enforcement agencies in this state (West 1). S.B. 158s intention was to set up a grant program that would go through the governor’s office in order to help law enforcement agencies afford body camera programs and establish requirements for policies of those programs. The state grants will apply to agencies that have employees that engage in traffic stops, regularly detain or stop vehicles, and first responders that deal with calls for help from the public. There are guidelines to what is to be included in the body worn camera program policies; some of those guidelines include recommendations on activating or discontinuing a recording, data retention, requirements for storage, backup, and security of the recordings, rules for public access, and handling and documenting equipment and their possible malfunctions.
I chose this bill because the use of body cameras is a very controversial topic at this point in time, it has received an extensive amount of social media attention from the moment the bill was introduced; just about everybody has taken a stance. When
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There has been a reoccurring issue that I believe I have learned the most from is the concern of privacy, of course privacy is an important thing but so is the safety of citizens and officers along with bringing those to justice if there was any transgression. The most disconcerting aspect about this law is that people are more concerned with this being premature when it’s better to have some sort of guideline in place that you can alter later on to fit better than to need that relatively uniform policy and not have