Argumentative Essay On Date Rape

Words: 853
Pages: 4

Alcohol? Rape? The Cause?

In discussions of Date Rape, one controversial issue has been whether alcohol is the cause of Date Rape. On the one hand, Jessica Bliss argues that alcohol is the most common factor in sexual assault. On the other hand, Scott Hampton contends that alcohol is not the cause of date rape. My own view is that no matter how much you have been drinking, you can’t blame the alcohol on the rape.
In the first claim, Scott Hampton acknowledges that Alcohol is not the cause of date rape. According to Scott Hampton “ Although drinking alcohol and sexual assault often happen together, alcohol does not cause the violence.” Scott Hampton is stating that alcohol and rape are two things that could happen at the same time, but alcohol is not the element . He informs us in the article that 30 percent of all sexual assaults occur when the perpetrator is under the influence of alcohol. But alcohol use does not instruct sexual violence. It doesn't make you go and commit the assault anymore then walking outside and getting your mail. He enlightens us that when someone is to the point they are totally wasted that person is impaired, which means you have to focus more than if you were sober. He gives an
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Alcohol does play a factor but it isn't the cause. Being in intoxicated doesn’t force you to penetrate an unconscious women. Google states a quote “ You are free to make your choice but you are not free to choose the consequences.” It basically saying that you have the choice to make, to rape someone or not rape someone while drinking then it's your choice and your consequences that you will receive. A rapist should get severe consequences for their actions .Alcohol is a choice a person makes to drink but being drugged has nothing to do with drinking. Alcohol is a privilege but rape is a crime. Alcohol makes you do stuff that is irresponsible, but that shouldn’t be used to cover up a