Produced by Disney, animated TV show Gargoyles aired from October of 1994 until February of 1997, first in syndication and then on ABC. With its engaging characters and surprisingly well-developed storylines, Gargoyles quickly found its audience among children and adults alike. Characters like the noble gargoyle Goliath (voiced by Keith David - They Live, The Thing), the leader of the Manhattan clan of gargoyles, or the fearless police detective Elisa Maza (Salli Richardson - Black Dynamite) are still fondly remembered by the show's devoted fan base.
In our list of 15 things you didn't know about Gargoyles …show more content…
A former English teacher who used to work as a writer and an assistant editor for DC Comics, Weisman was an executive at Disney when someone suggested that he develops a pitch for a show about gargoyles. Fascinated by these grotesque ornaments on medieval cathedrals, Weisman started developing the premise of the show.
Inspirations for the show came from all over the place. To name a few, Gargoyles was influenced by cartoons such as Gummi Bears and The Simpsons, cop drama Hill Street Blues, works by William Faulkner and William Shakespeare as well as by the stories from Celtic mythology. Most of the episodes of the show's first season were written by the husband-and-wife team of Michael Reaves and Brynne Chandler Reaves. Weisman officially joined the show as a co-producer mid-way through the first season. Writing team was expanded to work on the second season's 52 episodes. By the time the second season ended, most of the team