There seems to be a chain reaction leading to an increase in the delay of post-college life. That is what we can think; however, many other factors combine with the original student loan can cause the price of debt to become much higher. As a result, student loan debt is becoming higher due to interest, inflation in loans, and postponement for the repayment of debt. With all these factors, the loan can double the amount it started with. Student loan debt is like a Venus fly trap that doesn’t release once it gets a hold of …show more content…
Mitchell D Weiss, a co-founder of the university’s Center for Personal Financial Responsibility, cited released reports from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, stating student loan “make up only 10% of all consumer debt”, but the “past due student loan payments total nearly one-third of all seriously past-due debt payments” which is shocking (Weiss). The late repayment causes the student loan debt to be much more than it originally is. Even a student loan under $10,000 can become too much to repay at the rate past due payment