Donald Worster is a …show more content…
We speak of farmers and plows on the plains and the damage they did, but the language is inadequate. What brought them to the region was a social system, a set of values, an economic order...Capitalism, it is my contention, has been decisive in this nation's use of nature." “Worster underlines three ecological tenets which he believes lay at the center of the capitalist vision of nature: nature must be seen as capital, man has a right, even an obligation, to use this capital for constant self-advancement, and the social order should permit and encourage this continual increase of personal wealth.” Worster says, “the Dust Bowl was the inevitable outcome of a culture that deliberately and self-consciously set itself the task of dominating and exploiting the land for all it was worth.” Worster suggests that the causes of the Dust Bowl, like those of the Depression, lay in America’s economic institutions and