Argumentative Essay: Should Elite Athletes Be Banned?

Words: 520
Pages: 3

Fremantle midfielder/ tagger Ryan Crowley's currently waiting to sit a hearing into doping issues.

Ryan was initially scheduled to front up to the AFL Anti-Doping Tribunal on May the first. But the date has been moved back after ASADA requested more time to respond to evidence submitted on behalf of Ryan Crowley.

Crowley is facing a ban of up to two years after failing a doping test round 17 last year whilst playing greater western Sydney on July 13th

It's believed the banned substance was contained in a painkiller that Crowley sourced from his personal doctor that isn’t a part of the club.

Now my argument.
I believe that elite athletes such as Ryan Crowley should NOT get in trouble for having a banned substance in their system that is prescribed by their doctor, because let’s face it they are normal people too, and like everyone have to trust their doctor when they get prescribed a drug or something that will help them recover from either an injury or sickness that they are getting treatment for.

I think it is unfair that athletes at the highest level should not be judged in the media and on social networks for something that isn’t one hundred percent their fault, like I said earlier they are normal people too and can’t help it if their doctor does wrong by them and prescribes them a drug with a substance that’s banned by
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Then after the sporting organisation you are a part of finds out and makes legal action the whole nation and in some cases the whole world knows, suddenly you’re getting hated on by keyboard warriors on social media when all you did was went to the doctor to get