Argumentative Essay: The Point Of Vaccines

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Pages: 6

The Point of Vaccines Quote” I know children regress after vaccination because it happened to my own son. Why aren't there any tests out there on the safety of how vaccines are administered in the real world, six at a time? Why have only two of the 36 shots our kids receive been looked at for their relationship to autism?” Unquote. Said Jenny McCarthy. It’s because I agree with Jenny McCarthy that I have written his speech for you today, and I believe that this is something that should be brought to light. Here are my three points for this speech, the science behind vaccines, the ingredients in vaccines, and the vaccine court.
Now to my first point, the science behind vaccines. QUOTE: A new study produced by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) documents
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That should not be surprising, since it was never shown to be true. Of course, that little detail never stopped the vaccine pushers. Now, though, there’s direct evidence that their unfounded claims have never been based on anything but false pronouncements. UNQUOTE Heidi Stevenson. ( vaccines are the medical procedure involving injecting the virus that is wished to be avoided into someone blood stream. Many things are wrong with this theory, and I use the word theory for a reason considering that most all vaccines are not tested to work. First thing wrong with this theory is that when the virus/disease, inters the blood stream the body has no time to prepare. Let’s take it like this pretend that your body is a basketball court and home team is your white blood cell, and the away team is the virus in the vaccines. Your team (the white blood cells) are practicing preparing to play a game, (or to protect and keep the body stable) and then all of a sudden BAM! The away