Argumentative Essay: Via Child Support Court Parents

Words: 506
Pages: 3

Via child support court father was charged with support and med. Ins. His work earnings were garnished. The court deviated from standard rule to create a "fairness". Where he only paid 40% and I carried 60%. I the custodial parent am disabled and recieve SSDI Title II this has a child auxiliary. That auxiliary is what the court viewed as MY portion of her support. Upon obligors death 4 yrs ago child support closed our case & advised me to apply for the child survivors . I did. SSA said she Is entitled. However, it creates dual entitlement. My auxiliary is higher than his survivors leaving no payment from HIS EARNINGS. SSA said IF her dad had applied for disability before death they would have garnished HIS benefit then upon death this would …show more content…
But supporting her on my income ALONE is NOT working nor is it FAIR or equal. What is worse learned if I had died INSTEAD of him she would have GAINED 25% financially. Instead she lost 100% from him! No fairness, equal protection, or due process. SSA can take respond then give me only 30 days. Ive looked for an attorney pleaded in tears. Finally was told by one that our situation is not a common one & this type of case does not generate enough money for one to want. Senator Nelson claimed he would look to those in Washington for a solution 2 years ago still waiting Her NEEDS ARE NOW! My credit now ruined making EVERYTHING cost more, harming more! How is this trust fund/"INSURANCE" a benefit for ALL children whose parents paid? KNOWING some children collect child support from a biological father AND COLLECT a survivors from a Stepfather and have the mother's means too, others who have been legally adopted still keep the survivors from their biological. Some who never had support of their biological are able to recieve his survivors and enjoy parent and step parents means. To my child being "doubley harmed" by physical loss and NOW financially for her basic care that he DID