Argumentative Essay: Warrantless Home Searchs

Words: 460
Pages: 2

Warrantless Home Searches

For the police officers that place they lives on the line to promise that they will protect and serve the community no matter what deserve to make sure that they are safe. It is an unfortunate that there are some people that would disrespect and harm police officers. Because of this, back some time ago police could obtain evidence and it would be admissible in court. It is now 2017, a new epidemic and time and the way that police can search a home has changed. This analysis will discuss warrantless home searches have changed and whether the composing author believes this to be a positive development, compared to 15 years ago when drugs were found during a warrantless home entry were inadmissible as evidence in court.
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In fact, “That the Fourth Amendment prohibits police from making a warrantless entry into a person’s home to make a routine arrest, and thus New York’s statute was unconstitutional” (Payton V, Mikula, & Mabunda, & Marion (1999). Furthermore, there is a level of privacy that people are entitled too when they have a personal vehicle or possess their own home. Yes, a person may have the right to have or purchase anything that they desire. Nonetheless, at some point congress decided to act on the 4th Amendment Constitutional Right when it comes to probable cause to search. A “accused is protected under the 4th Amendment Right that guarantee a person personal belongings is protected under those claws” (Search and seizure,