Kainan Yother
The Holocaust can be called one of the darkest sides and the biggest tragedies of the human civilization. This tragedy should never be forgotten; this is why people should study the Holocaust. In The Holocaust people should study it so they know what people are capable of and what happened. If you never study the Holocaust then you will be uneducated about it and not know how horrible it was. The holocaust was in WWII and it's when Hitler said it was the jews fault for everything. The holocaust was from 1933-1945 and approximately 6 million jews were killed in that time period.
First of all The Holocaust was a 12 year time period in WWII and the Nazis killed over 6 million jews. Hitler blamed all of the germans problems on jewish people or scapegoated them. After world war 1 after the germans defeat, germany fell into a depression and had lots of problems. So Hitler blamed all of the problems on jews and said it was there fault. So he started a …show more content…
If we don't watch what we do and pay attention to these then it might happen again and no one wants that to happen. Also if you study the holocaust you would learn about discrimination and that you shouldn't discriminate people and their culture. If people know about the holocaust and study it people will start to realize how bad this was and try not to have another world war or another holocaust.
Lastly but certainly not least, over 60 million people in total died in World War 2. 6 million of those people were jewish people. You can learn about all these bad things that happened in WW2 if you study it. Also to give you a small estimation, all the people that died in WW2 equalled out to 3% of the world population in 1930’s-1940’s.
1 man by the name of Adolf Hitler caused 3% of the world's population to die. People need to study that to learn more about how and why he did all these