It means you are neutral to anything and everything. It means you will never truly feel anything with passion- whether it be love for someone else, sadness for a lost loved one, or scared for your life. When you have something to lose, it means something has enough power over you to turn your life around- whether you like it or not. The idea of having something that means so much to you can be beautiful, just as the idea of feeling something so strongly could be beautiful. The idea of being numb to pain seems great, until you realize detaching yourself from pain means you detach yourself from love. I believe that in truth, detaching yourself from love does not bring peace and tranquility, but instead brings isolation and a lack of connection that we as humans need to thrive. A life that lacks passion eventually gets boring, as it is the same story everyday. The only reason we have such happy days is because we know the taste of pain. Although with attachment can come pain, it also brings forth joy as they are linked to one