Arguments Against Gmo Vaccines

Words: 707
Pages: 3

A vaccine is defined as a substance used to arouse the generation of antibodies and give resistance against one or a few maladies without instigating the ailment. On the other hand, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are organisms in which the genetic material has been modified in a manner that does not naturally happen. Both are intended to add certain advantages to the human bodies like creation of resistant antibodies and helping the fight against various diseases. A rumor is a story in circulation or a report of an untrue or a malicious topic while a conspiracy is a plan initiated by an individual or a group to do something illegal while hiding to avoid getting captured by the authorities. However, there are several theories that have emerged in the recent past which are against the consumption of GMOs and the use of certain vaccinations mainly because, as
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This means that according to the proponents of this theory, when a person is injected with this vaccine, it generates some reactions in the body that will at the end destroy the fertility of an individual hence making the person unable to fertilize another person during copulation.
In addition, there has been another theory that genetically modified vaccines and organisms like food are based on chemical weapons. This is a very wrong fact. Chemical weapons are mainly based on harmful substances like insecticides. It is difficult to convert the insecticide to consumable substances based on the complicated chemical structures. However, it is absurd to conclude that because a substance is harmful to insects it will have the same effects to human beings. In as much as some of them are harmful, most actually portray no harmful effect to human