Arguments Against Racism

Words: 1063
Pages: 5

Throughout the course of history there have been many laws , court cases, and policies that have that have been historically used for racist purposes. All throughout this course we have learned about many of these. I would like to demonstrate my understanding of these few examples that have stuck out to me the most. All throughout history there have been examples of racism but there are a few law abiding examples of these throughout history. To understand these I would first like to define racism and racist to make my arguments for why i believe these examples have historically been used for racist purposes a little more understandable. According to Dr Licon, racism is “Institutionalized system with disproportionate unjust outcomes for a particular race.” and racist is …show more content…
According to the book “Occupied America” in section 394 of the Civil Practice Act of 1850 prohibited chinese and native americans from testifying against whites. This shows a prime example of how the law had racist intentions. This law allowed there to be discriminating against a particular group, in this case the chinese and native americans, and not letting them have the same rights as others to testify against whites and have the same rights as others around them. A third example of this would be 1952 McCarran-walter act, this act according to the book “Occupy America” had made some reforms but it also included a long list for grounds of deportation or exclusion aliens and allowed the denaturalization of natural citizens. This gave the authority to interrogate people that they suspected of being in the country illegally. They also could search any property 25 miles from the border. This act also gave limitation on immigration. This again shows how there is racist purposes because the government had limited the immigration of certain groups as a whole just because of their race or